SBS Sutherland, David George Carr

John Robertson

Staff member
Other Entry
David George Carr
  • UNIT
No 1 SBS (attached L Detachment SAS)
  • RANK
Military Cross
Rhodes 1942
parent unit 6 Bn Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)
born 28.10.1920 near Peebles
resided Harlow,Essex
educated Eton
RMC Sandhurst
commissioned Black Watch October 1939
8 Commando 1941
1 SBS attached L Detachment SAS 1942 (Lt)
1 Special Service Regiment 1942 (Lt)
1 SAS (D Squadron) 1942-43 ((Lt)
Special Boat Squadron (S Detachment + C.O.) 1943-45 (Lt - Lt-Col)
bar to MC and Mention in Despatches with SBS
British Military Mission to Greece 1946
award Greek War Cross
RMC Sandhurst (Instructor)
left Army 1955
MI5 1955-56
21 SAS (C.O.) 1956-58 (Lt-Col)
Deputy Commander SAS Group 1967-72
award C.B.E.1974
married Jean Henderson 1946 (died 1963) (3 children)
married Christine Hotchkiss 1964
author "He Who Dares" (1998)
died 14.3.2006


Military Cross : Lt. Sutherland led a small party who were landed secretly in enemy territory overseas to undertake the destruction of enemy aircraft and equipment.

The party were 13 days ashore during which time they succeeded in destroying about 13 aircraft, as well as petrol and stores; although detected by the enmy, and hunted for several days, Lt. Sutherland and Marine Duggan succeeded finally in swimming out to the craft which was to pick them up. The remainder of the party are unfortunately missing.

I consider that Lt. Sutherland displayed a high degree of courage, fortitude, and endurance, and it was mainly due to his energy and resourcefulness that a considerable degree of success was obtained.

Unit : Special Boat Section

Military Cross (Bar) : This officer was in command of a party of officers and men of the Special Boat Squadron, 1 S.A.S. Regt which carried out operation ALBUMEN, having as its object raids on landing grounds in CRETE. This operation was of an extremely arduous and dangerous nature and consisted of the party being landed in enemy occupied territory and hiding up over a period of three weeks while attacking pre-determined targets. During this period the Troop was split into patrols which proceeded to their respective targets, while a dump was maintained for co-ordinating the operation. By good judgment and foresight Capt SUTHERLAND maintained control of the operation throughout, and was able to re-direct his patrols through innumerable difficulties back to his dump after successful attacks. At the most critical stage in the whole operation, when all the patrols, as well as 24 CRETAN refugees were concentrated for re-embarkation, a German patrol appeared in the area and two German scouts proceeded up the Wadi towards where the party were hiding. It was due to Capt SUTERLAND's firm grip on the situation that these two Germans were captured without a shot being fired and without the patrols presence being given away to the enemy. There-after a dangerous situation arose when the CRETAN refugees got out of control and attacked the remainder of the German patrol. It was again entirely due to Capt SUTHERLAND's initiative that this situation was kept under control so that he was able to carry out a successful re-embarkation that evening. Not only were the two German prisoners brought back, but also 24 CRETAN refugees were evacuated. Throughout the whole time the party were on CRETE Capt SUTHERLAND displayed a cool courage and determined resourcefulness. It was entirely due to his very high qualities of leadership and control that the operation was a success and due to his determination, courage and clear thinking that the re-embarkation was made possible.

Unit : Special Boat Squadron, 1 S.A.S. Regiment


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Raiders from the Sea
By John Lodwick