Operation Freshman

FRESHMAN - Operation Freshman

Operation Freshman was a SOE operation using gliders and R.E. commandos mounted during the night of 19/20 November 1942 to destroy the Vemork Heavy Water Plant at Rjukan,Norway.
2 Horsa gliders towed by 2 Halifax bombers took off from RAF Skitten,Caithness
Due to weather and failure of their direction-finding apparatus 1 Halifax and both gliders crashed.
All 7 Halifax crew,4 glider pilots and 14 of 34 soldiers killed in crashes.
Surviving 20 soldiers all murdered by the Germans.
Roll Of Honour: 41Awards: 0Images: 21Links: 2
Web Links:
Freshman - Part of Stephen Stratford Study Room : British Military and Criminal History in the Period 1900 to 1999. Very comprehensive coverage of operation and aftermath.
Freshman - Website in English and Norwegian. Author Jostein Berglyd.
  • Published
    Jun 13, 2020
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