Francis Kendall
John Robertson

Francis Kendall

Francis Woodley (Mike) Kendall
from Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada
lived in Hong Kong since childhood
mining engineer,south China prewar
Hong Kong Government
MI9,Hong Kong and China 1941-42
SOE 1942
training Singapore
SOE Force 136
SOE Eastern Warfare School,Poona,India (instructor) June 1942
SOE recruiting officer,Ottawa November 1943
SOE training camp,Penticton,British Columbia,Canada 1944
SOE Eastern Warfare School,Poona,India (2-in-C) 1944-45
Lieutenant Colonel
married to Betty (Cantonese)
According to a personal report Kendall wrote on 17 September 1968, "I am a Canadian, born and raised in Vancouver, and have lived in Hong Kong and South China for the past 35 years." This would mean that he first arrived in Hong Kong in 1933, not in childhood.

The cropped portrait is not that of Kendall, but of Hugh Legg. It is part of a larger photo taken of the Operation Oblivion group in the mess tent at the Commando Bay training camp in British Columbia. To the left of Legg, partly seen in this photo, is Betty Kendall; to her left is Mike Kendall.

Regarding Betty, not sure what is meant by "Cantonese", but she is ethnic Chinese and was born in Honolulu in 1913. After the war, Mike and Betty returned to Hong Kong where they raised two children, Vivienne and Harry. Mike passed away in Hong Kong on 17 May 1973.

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